Alberta wolf hunts are one of the most successful wolf hunts available today. Hunting wolves in the winter can be tough and takes patience; it's often referred to as the pinnacle of one's hunting career when a wolf is harvested. Wolves are brilliant animals, and hunting them is never an easy task. Alberta is a game rich province with a diverse ecosystem that always maintains a strong wolf population, making it a top destination for wolf hunters.
Our area is in the northern Peace River region of Alberta. Where the farmland meets the forest fringe mixed with giant river valleys and drainages that make for game-rich environments, this provides an excellent home for the largest wolves Canada has to offer. Wolf populations in Northern Alberta are among the highest populations in North America, with populations estimated in the thousands. Alberta is home to one of the largest oil sands in Canada which has made access to the remote north much simpler than other areas. In just minutes off the beaten path, you can find yourself in some of the most remote areas these big Alberta wolves live in.
All wolf hunts are baited hunts, which means you'll be sitting from early morning until dark (7-8 hrs). Our box blinds are comfortable, insulated, and heated. Your guide will have a bait picked prior to your arrival and will actively monitor multiple baits while you hunt. We have new un-hunted baits for every hunter, all with wolves actively visiting.
Patience is a virtue while hunting wolves. A hunter wanting a wolf needs to come mentally prepared for long sits and dressed appropriately. Any hunter capable of staying focused and awake for the duration of each and every day can expect a 75% success on a shot opportunity. Nothing compares to harvesting a wolf in the depths of winter; it's extremely rewarding.
When traveling here, your destination is the Grande Prairie Airport. All clientele will need to fly in the day before, preferably in the morning, to allow us to shoot rifles and get settled in camp. All transportation to, and from Grande Prairie is your responsibility; the hunting area is approximately 2 hours north of Grande Prairie Airport.
All of our wolf hunts are a minimum of 8 full hunting days. Longer trips can be booked upon request. Clients can expect to fly into Grande Prairie the day before the hunt and depart the day after the hunt ends.
Wolf Gallery